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Is it just another New Years' Eve? Or is it something special?

Is it just another New Year’s Eve? Or is it something special?  I remember from any early age when we moved into our new home and my parents hosted a New Years' Eve Party.   Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters and neighbors gathered to celebrate the end of the old year and beginning of the new.  We all wore festive party hats adorned with glitter or fun shapes and sizes. Everyone all had noise makers, horns, and confetti waiting on our countdown to midnight.   As the moment approached I remember the vinyl records were prepped for the record player with one record only played once a year.  This was my introduction to Guy Lombardo.  My Granddad did the honors of having the record ready which was "Auld Lang Syne".  I remember the adults singing, some with smiles, and some with tears running down a cheek, but all happy at the stroke...

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