The 8th Annual Jockeys & Juleps Derby Party by Southern Reins Center for Equine Therapy
Celebrate the 149th running of the Kentucky Derby with a Jockeys & Juleps Event from Southern Reins Center for Equine Therapy
Join Southern Reins Center for Equine Therapy for the Party of the Year to celebrate the Run for the Roses . . . Memphis Style!
The 8th Annual Jockeys & Juleps Derby Party brings together more than 1,000 Mid-South guests for BIG HATS, BOURBON, BLUEGRASS, an incredible silent and live auction, and a live broadcast of the 149th Kentucky Derby. As the largest fundraiser hosted by Southern Reins Center for Equine Therapy, Jockeys & Juleps makes life-changing opportunities possible through the healing power of horses for children and adults with disabilities throughout our community.
The Event is scheduled. Saturday, May 6, 2023, 3:00 PM TO 7:00 PM at 916 Billy Bryant Road, Collierville, TN.

The 8th Annual Jockeys & Juleps Derby Party will allow participants to continue equine-assisted services and fuel program growth at Southern Reins. Since 2015, the organization has served more than 700 people with disabilities and hardship throughout our community. Thanks to the generosity of sponsors and donors, Southern Reins can subsidize the cost of every service offered to ensure financial hardship never stands in the way of those who need them most.

Southern Reins Center for Equine Therapy is immensely grateful to all of their wonderful sponsors and continued support. The Traditional Jockeys & Juleps Derby Party raises 60% of the needed operating income.

Guest will receive a commemorative mint julep to use during the event.

Prince of Scots is proud to participate in the 2023 Jockey & Juleps Event. If you can not attend, please make a donation online to support Southern Reins Mission.