Things to do if you plan Social Distancing or Self-quarantine: Stay positive, plan ahead, and be creative to pass the time.
Is it time to limit public contact? Self-quarantine? Homebound? Plan ahead and stay positive!
Stay positive and find something to do by planning ahead. If it is time to limit social contact or being confined to home for an extended period of time it can cause boredom, stress and conflict. Plan ahead for healthy needs, but be mindful to still enjoy your life.
If you want to limit your public activities, think about having dinner parties at home with family and friends to limit public contact. Be creative and plan a fun themed dinner.
If you are foodie or want to become one, try brushing up your food and wine pairings. Prince of Scots Wine Pairing Towels offer over 3,800 possible wine and food combinations, you’ll never make a pairing wine faux-pas again!
Prince of Scots Wine Pairing Towel Set
Or Grab your pestle & mortar and get your grind on with these handy guides to over Herb & Spice Pairing Towel Set featuring3,600 possible herb, spice and food combinations. As well as herb-to-herb/spice-to-spice compatibility ratings, each herb & spice is categorised into 8 flavour notes. You’ll have all the know-how needed for a marinade in heaven.
Herb & Spice Pairing Towel Set Pairing Towel Set
Learn & taste your way through an afternoon brunch or dinner with friends and family at home. The taste adventure with a wine and food study is sure to help pass the time. An affordable diversion with free shipping!
Prince of Scots offers a complete collection of infographics towels on cheese, vegetables, fruits, beer, and wine. The towels are as fun to read as they are to experiment. If you are going to be confined plan a culinary adventure to keep meals exciting.
Plan ahead for possible limited public exposure, stay at home, or quarantine.
Reducing boredom while in quarantine at home
Limiting Public Contact or being confined to home for an extended period of time can cause boredom, stress and conflict. Suggestions include:
- Create and fill shipping list for needs supplies from health necessities, food, and toiletries.
- Arrange with your boss to work from home, if possible.
- Limit public outings and entertain at home. Cook Dinner, put down the phones, and enjoy some good conversation.
- Ask your child’s school to supply assignments, work sheets and homework by post or email.
- If you are homebound, take everyone’s needs into account as much as possible when you plan activities. Remember, you don’t have to spend every moment of quarantine together. Make sure everyone gets the opportunity to spend some time alone.
- Plan ‘time out’ from each other. You could split the family into teams that occupy different areas of the house – for example, Dad with one child in the garage and Mum with the other child in the lounge room – then swap the following day.
- Don’t rely too heavily on the television and technology. Treat quarantine as an opportunity to do some of those things you never usually have time for, such as board games, craft, drawing and reading.
- Accept that conflict and arguments may occur. Try to resolve issues quickly. Distraction may work with young children.
- Keep up a normal daily routine as much as possible.
- Maintain a positive attitude.
- Think about how you’ve coped with difficult situations in the past and reassure yourself that you will cope with this situation too. Remember that quarantine won’t last for long.
- Keep in touch with family members and friends via telephone, email or social media.
- Exercise regularly. Options could include exercise DVDs, dancing, floor exercises, yoga, walking around the backyard or using home exercise equipment, such as a stationary bicycle, if you have it. Exercise is a proven treatment for stress and depression.
Be well and make the best of an unwanted situation.